Sunday 16th June 2024
Dear Parishioner
It is hard to believe that we are half way through the year and the longest day will soon be upon us.
It seems an eternity ago since we shared with you in our post-Christmas newsletter how beautiful the church looked in all its glory for our carol service. It looks a little different at the present, as with great joy and excitement the builders have started work on forming the long awaited toilet, kitchen, servery and hopefully the accessible ramp. The contract baring any complications is anticipated to take 16 weeks to complete.
The aim will be to have the project completed ready for our Patronal Day Service when hopefully we will be able to also have the completed works dedicated and enjoy some long awaited celebrations I will leave that to your imagination what that may be!!
It actually seems an auspicious time to start the project, as on 17th June 1894 there was a dedication service for the newly installed choir stalls and altar, which Ursula very kindly told us about when she came across this in the Town Hall archive news cuttings.
We thought that you would like what Ursula also discovered in the archives and how busy they were raising funds and reordering in Church in the late 1800’s!
April 1889
West end of church removal of gallery and organ
August 1889
Alterations in West end of church carried out by Mr Roberts. Removal of gallery
December 1889
Re opening of west end of church November 22nd at 8 pm
February 1890
New organ to be placed at east end of church
Fund raising for new organ fund
May 22nd 1890
Dedication service in connection with the new organ
“ the organ was a fine instrument it contained 18 stops 3more to be added and 834 pipes”
Erected by Messrs Bevington &sons Soho-at the cost of £550
January 1891
Lady Helen Grosvenor held concerts to raise money for the organ fund £90 raised. This paid off the remaining debt
May 1891
List of subscribers to organ fund totalled £878.5.0
1894 Sunday June 17th
The new Altar and choir stalls were dedicated
The day was observed as a High Festival in the Parish
“the Te Deum was sung at the close of Evensong as a solemn act of thanksgiving, being exceptionally grand and beautiful “
Mr and Mrs Phillips were thanked for the very handsome and costly pedestal which supports the ancient altar slab and which forms now in probability one of the grandest and most dignified Altars in the Country
August 1894
Mr Bettle senior has presented beautiful office books for the Clergy stalls in the choir and his son, our organist has given handsome fair linen cloth for the Altar
1896 Sunday July 19th
A most beautiful Altar Ross and a pair of handsome candlesticks were dedicated by the Vicar. These were gifts in memory of Mrs Hunt
(Messrs Hunt Brewers Water Street)
A bit of history that we are now changing, and somebody will be reading about in a 100 years’ time.
What else has happened so far this year?
Stamford Choral Society held a wonderful concert on 16th March, which was well attended.
So on the 17/18 May we enjoyed two concerts arranged by Freya Goldmark from the Stamford International Musical Festival
St Martins Conservation Trust have completed all the external works to replace and restore 40 new carved Crenulation stones to the North clerestory roof.
St Martin’s Church was again part of Churches Together Stamford Schools Festival and Alison, Alan and I had a fun day looking after pupils from St Gilbert’s and & St George’s Schools with the theme“ Let us run with Endurance, the race which God has set before us. Aptly in the Burghley Chapel with David, Lord Burghley having won gold in the 400m hurdles in 1928. Special thanks must go to Alison for keeping everyone under control, including the teachers and for Alan helping with all my “art attempts” for Olympic rings and mini torches and making hurdles for the nave!
Our Wonderful bell ringers rang out for peace on the 80th anniversary of the D-day landings.
Lincoln Diocesan Guild (Southern Branch)
St Martin
Thursday, 6 June 2024 (13–1–21 in F)
General Ringing
Call Changes, Plain Bob Doubles, Plain Bob Minor
Pat Dale
Miles Dibsdall
Diane Faux
Nick Faux (C)
John McMenemey
Ros Nickols
Judith Rogers
Anne Russell
Adam Safford
Ringing Out for Peace - to commemorate the 80th anniversary of the D-Day Landings
Future dates for your diary:
Saturday 15th June at St Martins Church 10am – 4pm
Bob Chilcott the eminent composer and musician, along with The Stamford Singers are holding a Come and Sing event to raise funds for The Evergreen Care Trust. Following rehearsals, this will be an afternoon event, actual afternoon timings at rehearsals.
Thursday 20th June 7pm at St Mary’s.
The licencing of Rev Edward Martin SSC AS Priest in charge of the Benefice, Rector Designate of St Mary’s, everyone is welcome.
Sunday 30th June St Peter & St Paul
At 11am, Solemn Mass at St Mary’s Fr Michael Ruff celebrates his 50th anniversary of ordination.
Sunday 30th June 4pm St Martin’s Singers, Music by Women
Women’s Voices Choir, Abi Fletcher flute, Fergus Black conductor, any surplus funds will be donated to St Martin’s church in aid of works.
Sunday 7th July St Martins 9-30 Eucharist
On Sunday 7th July, Rev Cannon Mark will celebrate 40 years of ordination.
Rev Stephen Platten (retired Bishop of Wakefield, a good friend of Mark) has kindly agreed to preach.
Don’t miss this momentous occasion to support and help celebrate Mark 40 years of ordination.
St Martins Organ Recitals
Our director of music Mr Nigel Stark has kindly organised our 2024 organ recitals.
The featured composer is Charles Villiers Stanford. This year is the centenary of his death. The recitalists have very kindly agreed to give their services without a fee for which we are extremely grateful.
This is a free admission concert with donations going to Citizen Advice South Lincolnshire and St Martin’s church building fund.
The recitals are all Thursdays in August at 1.05 and have a 50-minute duration.
8th August Ron Berry
15th August Jeremy Jepson
22nd August Nigel Stark
29th August Christopher Brown
Please try to attend to support our wonderful organists.
We must apologise that we have not been able to organise the Parish Summer Lunch this year. With all the work going on in Church and Shacklewell being very heavily booked this season, we have not been able to coordinate this in the timetable. However, we look to rectify this next year and will keep you informed.
Please note that to go along with the new website, St Martins now has a new email address if you need to get in touch –
With very best wishes.
Alan & Julie
Church wardens