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News Letter 44 – St Martins Church


                                                                                            Sunday 12th January 2025

Dear Parishioner

It does not seem possible that it was October 2024 when our last newsletter was published, and here we are now January 12th 2025 celebrating The Baptism Of Christ Epiphany 1.

The readings for today are as follows:

First Reading Isaiah Chapter 43 verses 1-7

Second Reading Acts Chapter 8 verses 14-17

The Holy Gospel according to Luke Chapter 3 verses 13-15, 21-22

What a year in the life of St Martins:

As we wrote our last newsletter, we were well on the way with the first phase of the reordering works, and what a wonderful service we had on the             17th November for our Patronal Festival Service and Dedication, following an industrious few days of cleaning to make the Church look wonderful again. We would like to thank all those who participated in such a shared community effort and what a wonderful job they all did.

We welcomed the Venerable Dr Justine Allain Chapman Archdeacon of Boston who preached a very  meaningful and thoughtful  sermon on the day.

Following the service we celebrated with drinks and a lunch for around 80 parishioners, a brilliant round off to a great day.  

As you can see, the new facilities are now all in place and being used, and many thanks to Ursula for the photos taken on the day.

If anyone would like to volunteer for Sunday morning coffee now the kitchen is complete, please see Julie who can let you know what is involved.

Gift Day was not forgotten, and much thanks goes to all those who contributed to the £4550.00 that was donated. Gift aid will be claimed on this for which your PCC are very grateful.

So, as we progressed from our Patronal Day we looked forward to celebrating Christ the King and a week later Sunday the 1st December the start of Advent with the journey up to Christmas to celebrate the birth of Christ.

But, before that great event we had a fairly busy calendar to work through. The 7th December saw the return of EAGA Gospel Choir from Leicester. With a packed church of 300 people a wonderful concert was had by all, people making good use of the toilet facilities and singing and dancing in the aisles!

Of course following that and with an enormous amount of work from Nigel our Director of Music and the amazing choir he had put together, we had another packed church to celebrate the festival of Nine Lessons and Carols. A donation to Shelter will be made from the generous collection. Thanks go to all the readers from both St Mary’s and St Martin’s, and Margaret for the flower arrangements. There as you will see from the photos the church looked fantastic with the lighting.

So, as we celebrated phase 1 of the reordering works in November at our luncheon, Alan explained that early in 2025 we hopefully we would be starting  phase two of the reordering. This would see the construction of a fully accessible Limestone Ramp and steps leading from the South door into church, then the temporary timber ramp that has been there for many years will be removed.

These works will cause some disruption especially with access. From Sunday 19th January, entry to the church through the normal South Porch will not be possible. However by kind permission of Miranda and Orlando, we will be accessing the church via the East chapel door and the Burghley Chapel. We fully appreciate that this will mean a little further walk round and a step down from the chapel by the choir stalls. If there is anyone at all, who feels that this will present difficulties, please speak with either Mark, Julie, or Alan who will be able to help.

The works are planned to be completed by the end of March but could be earlier. The new temporary route will be signed from both the West and East entrances to the church.   

Finally, we would like to warmly thank William for all his work as a sides-person over the years, as he has stood down from the position. We are now looking for anyone who would like to volunteer to take over William’s role. It will only be a duty once a month and if you are interested please see Alan or Julie who can explain what is required.

We wish you all a very happy New Year.

With very best wishes

Alan & Julie


22 High St, St Martins Stamford 07860 658748 / 01780 762405

Safeguarding Officer

Ms Jo Keogh

07725 262364



© 2024 by St Martin's Church, Stamford. All rights reserved.

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